CRC Ciaran Barry Scholarship

Applications for the Ciaran Barry scholarship for 2025 will open in April, date to be announced

The Ciaran Barry (CB) scholarship was setup in 2015 in memory of Dr Ciaran Barry.  Dr Barry was the Medical Director of the CRC from 1964 until his death in 1991 and a founder member of the CRC Scientific and Research Trust. The scholarship is specifically aimed at a student with a disability, pursuing postgraduate education with a research component in a recognised college or university.
It is a once-off grant for up to €10,000. The call for proposals will open in April 2025

CB Scholarship rules

The scholarship is reserved for a student with a disability undertaking a post graduate degree with a significant research component (Masters or PhD), A disability is defined as per the Disability Act (Government of Ireland, 2005) as:

  •  “a substantial restriction in the capacity of the person to carry on a profession, business or occupation in the State or to participate in social or cultural life in the State by reason of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment.’

    • The scholarship is open to any academic discipline
    • Applicants must be graduates of a recognised university or third level college. Candidates sitting their final examination may also apply
    • All proposals must have a significant research component
    • The scholarship is for up to €10000 to be used during the course of the study, it is a one-off payment and is not renewable
    • Applicants must submit completed application forms and supporting documentation 
    • The continuation and termination of the scholarship will be at the discretion of the CRC
    • On completion of a research project or thesis, the recipient of the scholarship must submit a PDF copy of the research project to the CRC. This may be referenced on the Central Remedial Clinic website. If access is requested, permission of the author will be sought. All publications or papers arising from the research will acknowledge funding from the CRC
    • Recipients are expected to participate in any general publicity that may arise relating to the awarding of a grant

    Eligibility: Any student registered in an Irish University for a postgraduate degree or an Irish student registered in any university within the year of application (Masters or PhD)


Please Note: Dr Ciaran Barry Scholarship: Applications will open April with a closing date of

A completed application must be submitted, to include the following information:

  • Ciaran Barry Research Scholarship Application
  • Proposal outlining the topic for research, proposed methodology, timescale, expected outcomes and funding requirements
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Confirmation from a recognised university or third level college that the candidate has enrolled in a post graduate course
  • Details of the college and faculty to which the candidate has been accepted
  • Letter of support from the applicant’s professor or academic supervisor

Please email all documents to

If you require any further information please email