Have Your Say
We want to provide safe and high-quality services so that you receive the best care. Your feedback matters. It helps us to improve our services.
We want to hear from you about your experience of using our services:
- What worked
- What we could improve
- What didn’t work
Comments, compliments and complaints
A comment could be a suggestion for service improvement. It can also be an observation made by a service user that can lead to learning by the organisation.
We will acknowledge all feedback and share with the relevant service, Senior Management and/or CRC Board.
What to include in a complaint
A complaint should include:
- Your name and contact details
- Who was involved
- What happened and when
- What your concerns are
- What you want to happen now
Please provide any extra information and copies of other relevant documents.
What happens after you make a complaint?
You may have had a poor experience and told a member of staff or the person providing your care. If so, they will try to help you straight away, if possible, or within 48 hours.
If you made a written complaint, we will contact you within 5 working days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
Then we will:
- look into your complaint and respond to you within 30 working days
- contact you to ask for more time, if needed
We might call or ask to meet you to hear more about it.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask for an internal review by the CRC. You can also ask for an external review from the Ombudsman or the Ombudsman for Children.
How to make a comment, compliment or complaint
There are many ways you can tell us about your experience:
- Tell the people caring for you today
- Email us at haveyoursay@crc.ie
- Send a letter to:
Compliments & Complaints
Quality, Risk and Safety Department
Central Remedial Clinic
Vernon Avenue
Dublin 3 - Call us on +353 (01) 854 2200 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
If you are unable to give feedback yourself, ask a relative, carer or advocate to do this for you.