Our CRC Adult Services continue to deliver innovative and meaningful day services to approximately 290 adults.
Notwithstanding the continuing impact of the pandemic, CRC ensured all adults attending our day services and educational training continued to receive services.
We work in partnership with those we support by delivering a service to maximise everyone’s independence. Working with adults, families and friends and local communities, we deliver our services in response to identified individual needs. We continued to build stronger relationships with families, carers, and other organisations, to ensure that adults had meaningful choices linked to goals in their person-centred plans.
Our person-centred planning supports adults to make informed choices about how they want to live their lives, now and in the future. It supports the person to identify their dreams, wishes and goals, and what is required to make these possible. Through developing this plan, we strive to ensure that available supports are responsive to the person and focus on the outcomes that the adults want to achieve.
Our day services were delighted to appoint a person-centred planning development and research officer to support the person-centred planning process to empower adults to live a full and meaningful life in their communities. Our model of service, in line with HSE New Directions policy, is based on person-centredness, self-determination, community inclusion and active citizenship
Community Partnerships in Adult Services continue to engage and work collaboratively with community partners and we linked in with 116 organisations. We strengthened our partnerships with community organisations, education providers and employers. We continued our partnerships with DCU School of Teaching, Open Doors Mentoring programmes, NYCI, Erasmus, through both virtual and onsite events. Activists and Self-Advocates In line with our strategy, we have supported adults in their desire to become self-advocates and community activists.
The adults are very active through several internal committees:
In line with our strategic objective on advocacy, the adults have been supported in becoming confident self-advocates, rights-focused and powerful in advocating for the necessary changes to funding, legislation and changing attitudes towards disability. One adult is now on the Government-appointed National Changing Places Committee.
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