Courses available
Rehabilitative Training Centre Clontarf
General Learning Level 1 (P1GL0)
Listening & speaking (M1C01)
Shape & Space (M1N07)
Non-verbal communication (M1C04)
Problem Solving (M1N09)
Using Technology (M1T10)
Food, Choice & Health (M1H16)
Visual Art (M1A18)
Personal Decision Making (M1L12)
General Learning Level 2 (P2GL0)
Listening & speaking (M2C03)
Non-verbal communication (M2C04)
Shape & Space (M2N07)
Health Related Exercise (M2H17)
Using Technology (M2T10)
Visual Art (M2A18)
Rehabilitative Training Centre Ongar
Health Related Exercise (M1H17)
Personal Safety (M1H15)
Computer Skills (MIT11)
Quantitative Problem Solving (M2N09)
Food, Choice & Health (M2H16)
Computer Skills (M2T11)
Personal Safety (M2H15)
Raheny CDETB
Employability Skills Levels 3 (3M0935)
Application of Number (3N0928)
Communications (3N0880)
Career Preparation (3N0896)
Work Experience (3N0587)
Health & Fitness (3N0531)
Computer Literacy (3N0881)
Health & Safety Awareness (3N0532)
Retail Sales Transaction (3N0892)
Planting and Potting by Hand (3N0891)
Drawing (3N0581)
Breakfast Cookery (3N0895)
Application Process
Rehabilitative Training Programmes
Eligibility Criteria
Adults with the following disabilities are eligible to enroll in the Rehabilitative Training Programmes; Intellectual disabilities, Physical, Sensory (deaf/hard of hearing or blind/visual impairment), Mental health difficulties, and autism spectrum disorder.
These HSE funded training courses are designed to enhance life skills, social skills, and basic work skills for people with disabilities. The duration of the courses is usually two to four years. These courses can help prepare you for mainstream education or additional training options.
Applicants must have a disability and have reached the current statutory school leaving age. There are no formal educational requirements.
What to expect/course descriptions
The Rehabilitative Training Programme
The Rehabilitative Training Programme is for young school leavers between the ages of 18 to 22 years whose education profile would generally range from Junior Certification school programme to Applied Leaving Certificate Level.
Adults must live in CH09 area and are funding approved by the Day Opportunities Team in the HSE. The programme provides support during the transition from school to further education and or employment, the RT has an important role in working with the adults on developing personal independence and social skills. Adults are expected to travel independently to the course.
The RT programme implements the New Direction approach to service delivery which is based on the principles of person centeredness, community inclusion, active citizenship and high-quality service delivery. RTC offers an introductory Pre-Vocational Skills Training aimed at school leavers with a physical/sensory and or a mild learning disability.
The course duration is two years. The programme is designed to support adults to achieve a good life in accordance with their own wishes, needs and aspirations. Each adult on the programme is assigned a Keyworker who will support the adult throughout their programme duration. We offer QQI modules at Levels 1 & 2 and other personal development modules to complete formal and informal educational qualifications. Adults participate in optional modules such as Horticulture, Woodwork, Art & Drama. Some of these are delivered off site in the community.
The CDETB Employability Skills Programme is an 18-month programme, providing Introductory Vocational Skills Training within the CRC, to assist learners to achieve a QQI Level 3 Major Award in Employability Skills, a nationally recognised qualification.
Learners with special educational needs are offered high quality accessible education and training, with a clear emphasis placed on progression and personal development.
The Employability Skills Programme can be the ideal stepping stone for those students who have just finished school, but are not quite ready yet for employment or further education in a mainstream setting.
Access. Transfer and Withdrawls
Access, Transfer and Withdrawals Policy
· If you wish to transfer to a different programme, the CRC will review this on a case by case basis. We will consider the skills, knowledge and competencies required to successfully complete the course and see if the course will be a good match for you.
· Transfer requests must be completed in the first few weeks of a program starting. Late applications will not be accepted.
· Any learner wishing to complete a transfer should discuss this with the programme coordinator.
· If the learner wishes to proceed with the transfer, the learner should send the request to the Training Manager.
Progression - Progression Policy
- Each programme within CRC Adult Services will have a clear outline of progression routes available to learners which is called the Progression Statement. This will be given to the learners during their sampling and induction periods, in the Learner Handbook.
- The CRC will keep the records of learners and their accreditations for a period of 5 years to give to learners if they request copies of prior learning after they leave the programme and want to access other progression routes.
- To progress onto the next QQI level within CRC Adult Services, the learner must have passed the QQI modules and learning objectives undertaken on their current programme.
- A learner's keyworker will support the learner with applications and progression. The services of the CRC Community Link Officer can be utilised to facilitate the transition into community progression routes.
- Learners should discuss the progression options available with their keyworker, trainers, and/or programme coordinator. The findings of these progression options will be
formally recorded during progression meetings. Keyworkers can support learners attending open evenings and preparing for interviews
What is QQI?
QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications in The Republic of Ireland and is an agency within the Department of Education and Skills. QQI is responsible for assuring the quality assurance of education and training across the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is under the remit of QQI.
How many hours per week will it take to complete a QQI module? This will vary depending on the course.
What is a QQI Award?
There are two types of awards: a minor award and a major award. A QQI award is a certificate you will receive on successful completion of a QQI programme from a recognised QQI provider.
Is a QQI Award universal?
Yes, QQI is valued nationally within the Republic of Ireland and internationally.
What is a QQI Award equivalent to? (Ex: a leaving certificate)
The QQI Awards that we offer in Levels 1, 2 and 3 are equivalent to the junior cycle.
What are the benefits of getting a QQI award?
A QQI Award gives the students the opportunity to further their education and enables them to join the workforce.
What is the recognition of prior learning?
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the process the considers and evaluates previous learning experiences to ensure a student has the correct qualifications for a programme or to seek exemptions from modules or awards.
Contact us
Amanda O’Connell
Rehabilitative Training Centre
Clontarf, Dublin 3
Lisa Keegan
+35387145 4780
Rehabilitative Training Ongar
Ongar, Dublin 15
Sinead Drew
Raheny, Dublin 5
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