Life Skills & Life Styles Programme

Willem Le Roux

The CRC Life Skills and Life Styles Programme provide services in line with  HSE New Directions and also incorporates Person-Centred Planning  (PCP).  Adults are supported to participate in a variety of activities which gives access to community-based education, training, employment. This provides for opportunities to engage in a wide range of training, employment, social and recreational activities.  

The training programme encompasses all aspects of daily life which enables everyone to adapt socially, culturally, and emotionally to live a life of their choosing. This may include a focus on independent living, further study and or employment. To meet these training objectives each adult has a person-centred plan, that outlines their personal goals and the supports required to achieve them. 

We support sixty adults over both programmes to broaden their horizons and try new experiences.  Our programmes are based in our centre in Clontarf and community hub in Killester.

Killester Hub was opened officially on the 22nd March 2019, to accommodate the expansion of the Lifeskills programme. The hub has a capacity of support  17 adults, the programmes offered in the hub are person-centred, educational, recreational, fun and confidence building.  The programmes promote active citizenship, community involvement and social inclusion. 

Killester Hub is also a meeting place for friends and an opportunity to interact with those across different programmes. Its central location within the community gives easy access to different shops, services and public transport.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, staff and Lifeskills participants worked together to create a Wellness Garden at the rear of the hub. This collaborative effort earned the group a Young Environmentalist Award and the garden is now an outdoor multi-functional area used for meditation and classes such as horticulture and art.


Laura Murphy  “The hub is so good I love going there. It is a great place to learn new things and explore my community”