Educational Support Resources Websites

The Access and Inclusion Model

The goal of AIM is to create a more inclusive environment in pre-schools, so all children, regardless of ability, can benefit from quality early learning and care. The model achieves this by providing universal supports to pre-school settings, and targeted supports, which focus on the needs of the individual child, without requiring a diagnosis of disability.


The National Council for Special Education (NCSE)

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) was set up to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities with particular emphasis on children.


National Parents Council

NPC exists to ensure that all parents are supported and empowered to become effective partners in their children’s education. NPC will work to increase the capacity and capability of the early years, primary and post primary education sector, to achieve true partnership and deliver better outcomes for all children.


As I Am

As I Am's purpose is to advocate for an inclusive society for autistic people that is accessible, accepting and affirming.

They work to support the autistic community and families to fully engage in Irish life and build the capacity of society to facilitate true inclusion.


Down Syndrome Ireland

Provide support and services to people with Down syndrome and their families though a national office and 25 branches nationwide.  They provide ‘all-through-life’ supports to people with Down syndrome and their families across Ireland with specialists in the areas of health, speech and language, early development, education and adult education and independence that enhance the lives of thousands of children and adults with Down syndrome across the country.

Down Syndrome Pre-School 

Down Syndrome Ireland Primary School

Down Syndrome Secondary School