Corporate Partnerships

We partner with companies of all sizes, in Ireland and abroad, who share our vision, mission, and values.

We work with our corporate partners to reach their employee engagement and CSR goals, while they in turn support us in our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and carers.

There are many ways to get your teams involved in supporting clients of CRC:

If your company would like to help us continue to make a difference, we would love to hear from you. You can get in touch by emailing Miriam Hunt at or 01 854 2225

Many Thanks to our 2022 Corporate Partners

MSD Logo CDF Logo Oracle_logo Aryzta Logo Proveca Logo Indeed logo

Workplace Fundraisers

There are countless ways that your teams can raise funds to support the work of the CRC, both online and in-person. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Cake & coffee mornings
  • Raffles
  • Sponsored walks
  • Christmas jumper days
  • CRC Christmas Appeal

We love hearing about the creative ways that companies are raising funds to support children and adults with disabilities across Ireland. To get in touch to discuss your company’s fundraising idea please contact Miriam Hunt at or 01 854 2225

Charity of the Year

If your company’s CSR committee or staff have the opportunity nominate a charity for your Charity of the Year, we would love to hear from you.

As your Charity Partner of the Year we will work with your teams to deepen their understanding of disability and access issues and support them in raising funds that have an incredible impact of the lives of the people we support. We work in tandem with our charity partners to meet their employee engagement and CSR goals, while making sure they see how their partnership is benefitting our clients and services.

If your company is interested in partnering to support children and adults with disabilities in Ireland, please contact Miriam Hunt at or 01 854 2225 to learn more.

How Cuisine de France and CRC Partnered Together to Make a Difference

The CRC was delighted to be named Cuisine de France’s Charity Partner for 2021, and with this partnership came a year of tremendous impact for clients across our services.

Charity of the Year - Cuisine de France

The Cuisine de France team raised over €23,000 through their 50km Step Challenge to fund vital works in the courtyard of our special school, Scoil Mochua Clondalkin.  Following their success in #RaisingTheDough for Scoil Mochua, Cuisine de France generously supported the CRC Christmas Social Work appeal, which supports families in need. With the help of Cuisine de France the appeal raised over €18,000 to support some of our most vulnerable families at Christmas time.

Cuisine de France also helped CRC celebrate our 70th anniversary by supplying Cuisine de France goodies, treats, and sweets to our staff. We are so grateful for all the amazing work we did together over 2021 and know that the Cuisine de France team’s impact will endure for years to come.