Community links Websites

JAM cards

JAM Card allows people with a hidden disability or communication barrier to tell others that they need extra time and understanding in a private and easy way 


Fingal Libraries

Fingal Libraries have a range of Sensory and Assistive technology resources available that could be useful to try out.

Sensory Resources


Virtual Book Club


Learn to Cycle with a Disability

Fingal's Walking & Cycling Officers ran several 'Learn 2 Cycle with a Disability' courses in locations across Fingal throughout 2022 and 2023.

There has been high demand for places and the Active Travel team is working hard to offer more courses. Children with disabilities will enjoy learning to cycle in a safe, fun group class environment. Bicycles and adapted cycling vehicles are available to use at the classes. 


Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is here every day of the year to support people living with non-visible disabilities in their communities by raising awareness, training businesses and sharing stories to help create a more inclusive, understanding society.

Some disabilities, conditions or chronic illnesses are not immediately obvious to others. For some people, this can make it hard to understand and believe that someone, with a “non-visible” condition genuinely needs support. Some people question whether you have a disability because you don’t look ‘like you have a disability".

That is why we created the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower - to encourage inclusivity, acceptance and understanding.

It is a simple tool for you to share that you have a hidden disability voluntarily. Simply by wearing the Sunflower, you’re just letting everyone know that you might need extra help, understanding, or just more time.